I was born in
Bangalore, India. I quite adore writing, be it articles, books, essays, poems,
or even just penning my thoughts. My work has generally been described as
‘inspirational and realist.’ I write about anything that stirs me. Some of my
favourite subjects are art, architecture, film, fitness, fashion, friendship,
food, literature, luxury, travel, sex, love, people and personas. Books have been written. Published. More books are on the way. Articles and poems have been read, and shared rampantly, and also reached some popular libraries of the world, as ‘must reads’.
I quite love being a
custodian for a brand, right from the visualisation, to the television,
digital, print presentations of it. When I am not working, or writing, I am up
and about the world looking for antiques and art that I must say has brought me
the greatest joy in collecting, and has helped make some wonderful friends from
over the globe. The aesthetics, history, precision, timelessness in both keeps me looking for more. If I were to
sum up my disciplines in a list, they would read thus –
Art/Creative direction for brands (advertising/design/photography)
Critique (books/films)
Curator (antiques/art/architecture/interior/product
Editorial (creative/non)
Literary content (across genres)
To cut a long
story short, I would love to hear from you if you have something enriching to
share; something that would help us both grow as individuals and multiply the
range of our knowledge. Something were we can enjoy ourselves collaborating on.